Our specially designed enclosure allows you to get very close to these formidable wild animals in complete safety.
A little known fact; Lions have undergone a catastrophic decline and are on the brink of extinction in all but the largest and best managed national parks.
Originally ranging through large parts of Africa, Europe, Middle East and Asia, Lions are now restricted to pockets in Africa and a very small population in India (the Asiatic Lion). Last century there were approximately 200,000 wild lions, but these days their numbers are only around 20,000 and still dropping. They have been pushed out of 95% of their historic range.
Panthera is the only organization in the world devoted exclusively to the conservation of the world’s wild cats. They are on the front lines, fighting to stop poaching, prevent conflict with people, conserve wild cat habitats, and reduce unsustainable legal hunting. Learn more on the Panthera website.
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