At Paradise Valley Springs we invite you to meet and learn about a range of animals that have been released into New Zealand's bush, or are farmed around our country.
New Zealand is home to many unique birds. Meet some of New Zealand's alpine, forest and wetland birds along with a range of introduced ones.
View different species of trout in our pools and stream and see huge native long-finned eels.
Please note: animals and displays may change from time to time
We also have a pride of African Lions that can be seen all day in an enclosure that allows visitors to get very close to these wild animals.
The afternoon feeding show at 2.30pm is a great time to see the lions active and to learn a bit more about the pride and African Lions in general.
Take our elevated treetops walk in a tranquil and secluded area of the park, putting you up near the canopy of the trees.
The solid boardwalk is up to six metres (20 feet) off the ground in places, putting you right up in the tree canopy.
Pathways through native trees lead to our freshwater spring where you can drink straight from the source. It is named Te Waireka in Maori which translates to sweet water.
We also have a bottling plant on site, where we put Paradise in a bottle. You are able to purchase a bottle of our own 'Paradise Pure' or purchase by the box if you would like to stock up for later.
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