Native - Wild in New Zealand

There are five main species of Kakariki, and you can see two of these at Paradise Valley Springs - the red-crowned and the yellow-crowned parakeets.

In Maori ‘kaka’ means parrot, ‘riki’ small, and ‘kakariki’ is the colour green.


Other name: Red-crowned Parakeet.

Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae.

Found: Only in New Zealand, mainly on islands free from predators, rare on the mainland.

Sub-species are found on islands around New Zealand, such as Norfolk Island and New Caledonia.

Conservation status: At risk.

Threats: Often forage on the ground, and young fledglings are fed on the ground before they can fly, making them highly vulnerable to predators.

How to help Kakariki: Setting traps for pests like mice, rats, possums and stoats and if you own a cat, make sure it is neutered, has a jingly bell on its collar and lock it inside at night. Even if you don't have Kakariki in your area, this will benefit all your local native species.




Other name: Yellow-crowned Parakeet.

Cyanoramphus auriceps.

Found: Only in New Zealand. Although rare, can be found on both the North and South Islands as well as Stewart Island and the sub-antarctic Auckland Islands, in tall unbroken forested areas, preferring higher altitudes than the larger Red-crowned Kakariki.

Conservation status: Not threatened.

Threats: Very vulnerable to introduced predators like rats and stoats as they nest in the holes of trees, providing no means of escape during an attack.

How to help Kakariki: Setting traps for pests like mice, rats, possums and stoats and if you own a cat, make sure it is neutered, has a jingly bell on its collar and lock it inside at night. Even if you don't have Kakariki in your area, this will benefit all your local native species.



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64 7 348 9667
467 Paradise Valley Road, Rotorua 3072, New Zealand